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5 Best WordPress Caching Plugins to Speed Up Your Calendar

The Events Calendar team strives to produce the best products possible in order to provide our customers with all of the features they desire. This includes creating a calendar that loads quickly to create the best user experience available.

To that end, we have a few solutions that we recommend to improve your calendar’s performance even more. For example, you can enable the cache in calendar views within the settings and delete past events when the calendar is loading slowly. But we can’t fix everything on our own.

That’s why we typically recommend using a caching plugin for all of your performance needs. Once you’ve got the basics down, you can easily integrate with a third-party plugin to make your site lightning fast.

Below, we’ll outline the top 5 WordPress caching plugins that we recommend.

LiteSpeed Cache

LiteSpeed Cache is an all-in-one free acceleration solution with over two million active installs. It’s compatible with popular plugins like bbPress, WooCommerce, and Yoast SEO.

Features include:

  • Cloud CDN caching
  • Object cache support
  • PageSpeed score, including Google Core Web Vitals
  • Attractive, easy-to-use interface
  • Ability to upgrade for additional features

Current Status: compatible

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is one of the most complex and complete cache plugins for WordPress. Developed by the amazing BoldGrid company, it gives you granular control over different caching aspects.

Features include:

  • Compatibility with shared hosting, virtual private/dedicated servers, and dedicated servers
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) support
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML with granular control
  • Various security features to help ensure website safety
  • Extension framework for customization or extensibility for Cloudflare, WPML, and much more

Current Status: compatible

WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache is a well-known plugin from the Automattic team focused on improving the performance of a WordPress site. This plugin works by generating static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress blog.

Features include:

  • Serves cached files in three ways, depending on skill level
  • Doesn’t cache pages for known users
  • CDN support
  • Extra homepage checks
  • Can preload posts to cache

Current Status: compatible


Autoptimize is a simple, but well-known plugin focused on improving the performance of a WordPress site. They make site optimization super simple, so this is a great plugin for caching beginners.

Features include:

  • Aggregate, minify, and cache scripts and styles
  • CSS caching controls
  • Optimize and lazy-load images
  • Extensive API to tailor Autoptimize to your needs
  • Can remove WordPress core emoji cruft

Current Status: compatible

WP Rocket

WP Rocket is one of the most powerful web performance plugins out there. They claim to instantly reduce your load time and boost your Google PageSpeed and Core Web Vitals scores.

Features include:

  • No coding skills needed to use this plugin
  • Automatically applies at least 80% of web performance best practices
  • Dedicated support team to assist with any issues
  • eCommerce optimization
  • Page caching to boost SEO and increase conversions

Current Status: compatible

Check out our caching resources

Now that you know our picks for the best WordPress caching plugins out there, you can learn even more about how to integrate each of these plugins with The Events Calendar in our Caching Guide. We’ve got tips, tricks, and ways to make these integrations work on your site.

The post 5 Best WordPress Caching Plugins to Speed Up Your Calendar appeared first on The Events Calendar.

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