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The Events Calendar 6.0.12



Maintenance Release

This version of The Events Calendar includes various fixes and tweaks with a focus on stability and compatibility with third-party tools.

As always, we recommend testing updates on a staging site first, but it should all be smooth sailing.

✨ Tweaks

New tweaks in this release:

  • Added filter: tec_events_custom_tables_v1_events_only_modifier_before_get_posts in our 6.0 query modifier, useful to make changes to the query prior to fetching posts for the selected events.
  • Added Filters: tec_events_linked_posts_my_posts_post_status, tec_events_linked_posts_all_posts_post_status to allow filtering of post status of Linked Posts.
  • Ensure we only have one <main> element in the single events page for improved accessibility.
  • Fire the tec_events_custom_tables_v1_fully_activated when the Custom Tables v1 implementation is fully loaded.
  • Replaced the use of FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING in favor of tec_sanitize_string improving PHP 8.1 compatibility.
  • Added filters: tec_events_custom_tables_v1_events_only_modifier_before_get_posts, tec_events_linked_posts_my_posts_post_status, tec_events_linked_posts_all_posts_post_status, tribe_events_add_canonical_tag
  • Added action tec_events_custom_tables_v1_fully_activated
  • Changed views: blocks/event-tags, blocks/parts/details, v2/list/event/venue

✅ Fixed

Bugs that were squashed in this release:

  • Avoid JS errors when using the first compact date display format with WPML.
  • Build secondary Views navigation links correctly when WPML is active.
  • Build the link to the Events page from the Permalinks settings page correctly.
  • Correctly handle the creation or update of Custom Tables v1 in a multisite context. (thanks @jiadil).
  • Ensure the link to the Event Tags Archive page is correct when using the Block Editor.
  • Ensure the venue country is displayed in the list view when venues are created through the block editor interface.
  • Fix the issue with events post type bleeding in on custom tag queries, instead of only on the tag archive page.
  • Fixed a situation where an invalid request header in our pagination would cause some strict security settings to block these AJAX requests.
  • Fixes an edge case where running get_posts() twice with a taxonomy query, would result in an extra where statement added limiting results in an unexpected way.
  • Fixes situation in the block editor where a default organizer would not persist after being saved.
  • Improve the canonical tags added to event views to increase compatibility with SEO plugins.
  • Resolve the issue of the WP customizer not loading correctly when the Colbri Page Builder plugin is active.
  • Updates the Monolog repository to use TEC namespacing via Strauss, to provide more compatibility with other plugins.

🗣 Translations

  • 0 strings added
  • 82 strings updated
  • 0 strings fuzzied
  • 0 strings obsoleted

The post The Events Calendar 6.0.12 appeared first on The Events Calendar.

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