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How To Use Events To Fill Your Sales Pipeline With Leads

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Businesses today are seeking innovative approaches to connect with their target audience and drive conversions. One such avenue that continues to gain traction is lead generation events. These dynamic gatherings serve as powerful platforms for businesses to showcase their offerings. These events also cultivate meaningful relationships with the businesses’ existing patrons and potential customers.

Consider this scenario; a bustling conference hall filled with industry professionals exchanging ideas, networking, and exploring innovative solutions. Each conversation, each handshake, holds the potential to spark new opportunities, build relationships, and forge lasting partnerships. This is the essence of lead generation events. Lead generation events are more than just gatherings, it’s a melting pot of creativity, collaboration, and commerce.

As we dig deeper to discover lead generation events, we’ll explore the strategies, tips, and best practices that drive success in using events for lead generation. Read up and discover the secrets of successful lead-generating events and unlock the potential to connect, engage, and inspire your customers.

What is Event Lead Generation?

Event attendees having fun and engaging during an event

The term lead generation events encapsulate a multi-faceted marketing approach. Intertwining the principles of event planning with the strategic objectives of lead generation. In B2B marketing, event lead generation is a game-changer. 

Event lead generation helps connect businesses with potential customers through events, whether online, hybrid, or in-person events. Events offer a unique chance to engage directly, build trust, and showcase value.

Events shine as lead-generation tools because they cater to event attendees’ needs. By offering compelling content, interactive experiences, and networking opportunities, businesses capture attention and solve problems. Capturing attention and solving the problems of clients brings in quality new leads. It also boosts brand awareness and builds lasting relationships.

Events also provide valuable data for refining strategies. From registration to post-event surveys, every interaction offers insights for personalized follow-up and future events. Events stand out as a vital part of marketing strategy in a world of competing channels.

Why Use Events to Generate Leads?

Events enable you to connect with your target audience face-to-face and build trust and rapport, making it a great way to generate leads for your business. Events also allow you to collect high-quality leads and attendee data that you can use to nurture and convert them into customers.

Unlike traditional lead generation methods, which often rely on digital channels and outbound tactics, lead generation events offer a unique opportunity to engage with audiences in person or virtually, fostering genuine interactions and meaningful connections, and meaningful relationships. 

Nurturing relationships enables continuous engagement with potential customers throughout their conversion journey, understanding and meeting their needs effectively. Maintaining relationships with customers will make you a more effective marketer.

Strategic Approaches to Lead Generation at Events

Strategic lead generation through events involves targeted audience engagement, utilizing compelling content and experiences to capture interest. Leveraging data analytics and post-event follow-ups further refine the approach, ensuring effective lead nurturing and conversion.

  1. Define clear objectives and goals for the event lead generation campaign.
  2. Identify and understand the target audience say, Gen Z, to tailor marketing efforts effectively.
  3. Develop compelling event marketing strategies to attract attendees and generate leads.
  4. Utilize a mix of virtual event and in-person event formats to reach a broader audience.
  5. Implement lead-generation tactics such as content marketing, email marketing, and social media promotion.
  6. Create engaging and interactive features during the event to encourage attendee interaction and data collection.
  7. Integrate technology solutions, such as event apps or registration platforms, to streamline the lead generation process.
  8. Collect attendee data and insights throughout the event to optimize lead-generation efforts in real-time.
  9. Conduct post-event follow-up activities, including email campaigns and surveys, to nurture leads and gather feedback.
  10. Measure the success of the event lead generation campaign against predefined metrics and adjust strategies accordingly for future events.

Actionable Tips and Best Practices for Successful Lead-Generating Events

Preparing for your upcoming event

  • Before organizing your event, do comprehensive market research to gain insights into the pain points and preferences of your target audience.
  • Develop a clear event marketing strategy tailored to attract potential attendees and generate leads.
  • Utilize various marketing tools, such as email marketing and social media, to promote your event and increase attendance.
  • Create compelling content marketing materials to engage potential attendees and drive interest in your event.
  • Leverage technology integration for efficient event planning and registration processes.
  • Implement lead generation tactics early, such as offering incentives for early registration or providing sneak peeks of event content.

potential event attendees registering for an event via mobile gadget

On-site lead generation tactics

  • Design an engaging booth or event space that attracts attendees and encourages interaction.
  • Use interactive features and demonstrations to capture attendee interest and collect valuable attendee data.
  • Train your event staff to actively engage with attendees, qualify leads, and gather contact information.
  • Offer incentives or exclusive offers for attendees who provide their contact details.
  • Utilize technology solutions, such as QR codes or mobile apps, for seamless lead capture and data collection during the event.
  • Foster networking opportunities among attendees to facilitate organic lead generation and relationship-building.

Post-event follow-up

  • Send personalized follow-up emails to event attendees, thanking them for their participation and providing additional resources or information.
  • Conduct post-event surveys to gather feedback and insights from attendees, allowing you to refine your lead-generation strategies for future events.
  • Nurture event leads through targeted email campaigns, offering relevant content or promotions based on their interests and interactions during the event.
  • Share attendee testimonials or social proof from the event to strengthen brand awareness and credibility.
  • Utilize attendee data collected during the event to segment leads and prioritize follow-up efforts based on lead quality and potential.

Event Lead Generation Platforms and Software


ZoomInfo is a leading B2B contact database platform that provides access to comprehensive business contact information and company data.

Zoominfo Logo

Lead Generation Features:

ZoomInfo offers powerful lead generation capabilities, allowing users to search for and target specific companies, industries, or job titles. You can access detailed contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers, to reach out to potential leads.

Event Planner Usage:

Leverage ZoomInfo to identify and target potential attendees who match your target audience criteria. By accessing ZoomInfo’s database of business contacts, you can generate leads and drive event attendance through targeted outreach and marketing campaigns.

Intercom Events

Intercom is a customer communication platform that enables businesses to engage with customers through messaging, chatbots, and marketing automation.

Intercom Logo

Lead Generation Features:

Intercom Events offers tools for engaging with potential attendees through targeted messaging and chatbots. You can create personalized messages and automate follow-up communications to nurture leads and drive event attendance.

Event Planner Usage:

Use Intercom Events to interact with your potential attendees before, during, and after events. By leveraging Intercom’s messaging features, you can generate leads, provide event information and updates, and encourage attendees to register and participate in events.


Leadfeeder is a website visitor tracking software that helps businesses identify anonymous website visitors and turn them into leads.

Leadfeeder Logo

Lead Generation Features:

Leadfeeder tracks website visitors and provides insights into their behavior, including which pages they visit and how they interact with your site. It also identifies companies visiting your website and provides contact information for key decision-makers.

Event Planner Usage:

Use Leadfeeder to identify companies that have shown interest in your events by visiting your website. You can then reach out to these companies with targeted messaging to encourage event attendance and generate leads.


Clearbit is a marketing data engine that helps businesses enrich and analyze customer data to drive growth.

Clearbit Logo

Lead Generation Features:

Clearbit provides access to a wealth of data on companies and individuals, including firmographic data, technographic data, and contact information. This data can be used to identify and target potential event attendees and generate leads.

Event Planner Usage:

Use Clearbit to enrich your attendee lists with additional contact information and company data. This enriched data can then personalize event marketing campaigns and drive attendance.

LinkedIn Events

LinkedIn Events is a feature within the LinkedIn platform that allows users to create and promote professional events.

LinkedIn Logo

Lead Generation Features:

LinkedIn Events enables event organizers to create event pages, invite attendees, and promote events to their professional network. Attendees can RSVP to events and interact with other attendees, providing opportunities for networking and lead generation.

 Event Planner Usage:

Use LinkedIn Events to promote your events to a targeted audience of professionals and industry contacts. By leveraging LinkedIn’s extensive user base and networking features, you can generate leads and drive event attendance.


HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing, sales, and customer service platform that offers a suite of tools for inbound marketing, lead generation, and customer relationship management.

HubSpot Logo

 Lead Generation Features:

HubSpot provides a range of lead generation tools, including lead capture forms, landing pages, and email marketing automation. You can create customized forms and landing pages to capture contact information from website visitors and prospects. HubSpot also offers lead scoring and segmentation features to prioritize and categorize leads based on their level of engagement and fit with your target audience.

Event Planner Usage:

Leverage HubSpot’s lead generation tools to promote events, capture attendee information, and nurture leads before, during, and after events. By integrating HubSpot with event registration platforms such as Event Espresso or Event Smart, you can track attendee engagement, send targeted follow-up emails, and measure the impact of your event marketing campaigns on lead generation and conversion.

HubSpot’s robust reporting and analytics capabilities also provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of event lead-generation strategies and help optimize future event marketing efforts.

Lead Generation Event Ideas

Event Formats for Lead Generation

Virtual Events or Conferences

Host online events featuring keynote speakers, interactive sessions, and virtual networking opportunities to attract a global audience and capture leads.

Classes, Webinars and Workshops

Organize educational sessions such as webinars and workshops on industry topics or product demonstrations to engage potential customers and collect attendee information.

Hybrid Events

Combine in-person and virtual components to reach a wider audience and provide flexibility for attendees to participate according to their preferences.

Networking Events

Host networking mixers or roundtable discussions to facilitate connections among attendees and generate leads through organic interactions.

Creative Activation Ideas for Driving Engagement and Lead Capture

Interactive Booths or Experiences

Create interactive exhibits or experiences that encourage attendees to interact with your brand and provide their contact information for lead capture.


Incorporate gamification elements, such as scavenger hunts or challenges, to incentivize attendee participation and lead generation during the event.

Lead Magnets and Incentives

Offer valuable resources, exclusive content, or discounts as lead magnets to entice attendees to provide their contact information and engage with your brand.

Social Media Contests

Run contests or giveaways on social media platforms before, during, or after the event to increase brand visibility, attract attendees, and capture leads.

Personalized Engagement

Leverage attendee data and technology integration to personalize interactions and communications with event attendees, increasing engagement and lead quality.

event attendees talking and engaging with each other.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Inbound by HubSpot

INBOUND is an annual event hosted by HubSpot. The event attracts thousands of marketers, salespeople, and business owners from around the world.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, HubSpot had to pivot from hosting an in-person event to a virtual event for INBOUND 2020. They needed to generate leads for their online event and ensure that they would deliver a valuable and engaging experience for their attendees.

HubSpot used a combination of technology and content marketing to generate leads for INBOUND 2020. They created a dedicated website and a registration page for the event, where they showcased the speakers, the agenda, and the benefits of attending. They also used an event app to provide a seamless and interactive experience for the attendees, allowing them to access the sessions, network with other participants, and collect leads.

HubSpot also created and promoted valuable content to attract potential attendees and generate leads. They produced a series of webinars, podcasts, blog posts, and social media posts that featured industry insights, best practices, and tips from their speakers and experts. They also used email marketing to nurture their leads and encourage them to register for the event.

In the end, HubSpot’s lead generation strategy for INBOUND 2020 was a huge success. They generated leads and attracted attendees from different countries. They also received positive feedback from their attendees, who praised the quality and diversity of the content, the networking opportunities, and the user-friendly event app.

Key Takeaways From Inbound 2020

  • Use technology to create a seamless and interactive event experience for your attendees, and to collect leads and attendee data.
  • Create and promote valuable content that showcases your event’s value proposition, speakers, and agenda, and that educates and engages your target audience.
  • Use email marketing to nurture your leads and encourage them to register for your event.


Salesforce is a global leader in cloud-based software for customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise applications. Dreamforce is one of the largest and most influential tech events in the world hosted by Salesforce annually

Dreamforce 2019 was a massive event that spanned four days and featured over 2,700 sessions, 171,000 attendees, and 16 million online viewers. Salesforce needed to generate leads for their event and ensure that they would reach and engage their target audience across multiple channels and platforms.

Salesforce used social media and user-generated content to generate leads for Dreamforce 2019. They created a hashtag campaign (#DF19) and encouraged their attendees, speakers, partners, and influencers to share their experiences, insights, and feedback on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. They also created a live stream and a video series that featured highlights, interviews, and behind-the-scenes footage from the event.

Other than that, they also leveraged user-generated content to generate leads and social proof. They created a landing page that aggregated and displayed the social media posts from their hashtag campaign, and that also included a lead capture form and a call to action to register for the event. They also used tools to collect and analyze the user-generated content and to measure the impact and reach of their campaign.

Salesforce’s lead generation strategy for Dreamforce 2019 was a resounding success. They generated leads and achieved impressions from their social media and user-generated content campaigns. They also increased their brand awareness, engagement, and loyalty among their target audience.

Key Takeaways From Dreamforce 2019

  • Use social media and user-generated content to generate leads and social proof for your event, and to reach and engage your target audience across multiple channels and platforms.
  • Utilize a hashtag campaign and encourage your attendees, speakers, partners, and influencers to share their experiences, insights, and feedback on social media platforms.
  • Use a landing page and a lead capture form to collect and display the user-generated content and to encourage your potential attendees to register for your event.
  • Use a tool to collect and analyze user-generated content and to measure the impact and reach of your campaign.

Common Mistakes When Generating Leads on Events

Some common mistakes when generating leads on events are:

  • Not having a clear and measurable lead generation strategy that aligns with your business goals and event objectives.
  • Neglecting the importance of data quality and accuracy, and not using the right tools and methods to collect, store, and analyze lead and attendee data.
  • Not targeting the right audience for your event, and not segmenting and personalizing your communication and content based on their needs, interests, and stage in the buyer journey.
  • Ignoring the role of content marketing in generating leads, and not creating and distributing valuable and relevant content that showcases your event’s value proposition, agenda, and speakers.
  • Over relying on paid advertising and not leveraging other organic and cost-effective channels, such as social media, email marketing, referrals, and partnerships.


Lead generation events are potent tools for businesses aiming to connect, convert, and grow. By blending event planning with strategic lead generation, these gatherings foster genuine connections and trust, unlike traditional digital methods.

To maximize success, clear objectives, audience understanding, and compelling marketing strategies are crucial. Leveraging diverse event formats, lead generation tactics, and technology integration further enhances outcomes.

Post-event activities like email campaigns and surveys nurture leads and gauge success. And of course, partnering with a robust event management and ticketing software like Event Espresso. While not specifically tailored for lead generation, Event Espresso offers a range of features that streamline event management and indirectly support lead generation efforts.

With Event Espresso, you can efficiently manage event registration, ticketing, and attendee communication. Its seamless integration with email marketing platforms allows you to effectively engage with attendees before, during, and after the event.

Additionally, features like attendee data collection provide valuable insights that can inform future marketing efforts and lead-generation strategies.

Simply put, while Event Espresso may not be designed specifically for lead generation, its comprehensive features and functionalities make it an indispensable tool for organizing successful events and indirectly supporting lead generation initiatives.

Plan and manage your events for free with Event Espresso today.

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