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5 Effective Ways to Avoid Event Ticketing Mistakes

Event ticketing mistakes are no less than a nightmare for event organizers.

Selling event tickets is one of the most critical aspects of organizing an event as it is the primary source of revenue for most event organizers. Gone are those days when the entire process was handled manually with much effort and time. Due to technical advancements, event ticketing has become much easier than before.

However, due to some common event ticketing mistakes, event organizers often struggle to achieve their desired outcomes from their events. That is why it is important for them to identify if they are making these event ticketing mistakes or not and take measures to combat that.

5 Effective Ways to Avoid Event Ticketing Mistakes

In this article, we have shared some of the most common event ticketing mistakes that often become an obstacle in the way of an event’s success. Read the article thoroughly to find them out.

Understanding the concept of event ticketing

concept of event ticketing

The process of event ticketing covers everything starting from setting ticket prices to handling check-ins and check-outs. It requires proper planning, perfection, and efficiency.

The major areas of an event ticketing process include:

  • Building a solid ticket pricing strategy.
  • Generating tickets (physical or digital). 
  • Selling tickets. 
  • Distributing them. 
  • Handling check-ins and check-outs.

As you can see the process is real long and there is no scope for errors or delays. That is why it is always beneficial to be aware of the potential ticket-selling mistakes. This will help you improve the areas of your event ticketing system which really need your attention.

Find out some of the most common event ticketing mistakes and the best ways to avoid them in our next segment.

5 effective ways to avoid event ticketing mistakes

To avoid common event ticketing mistakes, you also need to identify the mistakes. In this section, we have discussed in detail each event ticketing mistake that event organizers commonly face and its solutions.

1. Event ticketing mistake 1: Overpricing tickets

Overpricing tickets

You might be surprised to know, your ticket sales highly depend on your event ticket prices. Selling overpriced tickets is a critical mistake that needs to be rectified.

This is because high-priced tickets often turn off buyers and raise the concern if your event is worth spending on.

Ways to avoid:

These are some of the Ninja techniques to set your ticket prices smartly and boost sales.

2. Event ticketing mistake 2: Not paying attention to marketing

paying attention to marketing

Event organizers often struggle to promote their events properly. As it is the only way to reach out to the target audiences, even a small mistake can break the balance.

Inefficient event marketing adversely affects your ticket sales and your event success. It mostly happens due to:

  • Failure to utilize all the available marketing channels. 
  • Not using proper event marketing tools. 
  • Avoiding email marketing.

Ways to avoid:

  • Utilize all the marketing channels including social media platforms, your website, email marketing, paid advertisements, partnerships, SEO & Content marketing and more. 
  • Use the right marketing tools. For example: if you are a WordPress user you can use an event marketing WordPress plugin like Mailchimp, Zoho CRM, Hubspot etc from WP Event Manager
  • Adopt email marketing and automate the process with CRM based plugins as mentioned above.

If you are looking for some useful event marketing tools for your upcoming events, consider reading our previous article “5 Most Useful Event Marketing Tools For 2023”.

3. Event ticketing mistake 3: Poor ticket distribution method

poor ticket distribution method

How you distribute tickets to your event attendees also plays a pivotal role in your event’s success. Using the traditional way of distributing tickets physically is one of the most common mistakes that event organizers make.

In-person ticket distribution often creates a mess for both event organizers and attendees as event organizers need to manually keep track of it and attendees need to visit the place to collect tickets.

Ways to solve:

Using a modern ticket-selling platform Sell Tickets can solve this issue easily by automating the entire process.

4. Event ticketing mistake 4: Failing to provide proper event data

failing to provide event data

Announcing the dates of your upcoming events is not enough to encourage your audiences to purchase event tickets. They require more details like the time, venue, speakers & schedule, and more. Event organizers often overlook its importance which ultimately lowers ticket sales.

Ways to solve:

  • Use an event calendar to display the dates and details of your events. Consider the event Calendar plugin from WP Event Manager. 
  • Show your event venue on Google Maps. You can display Google maps on your WordPress site using the Google Maps addon from WP Event Manager
  • Utilize your social media profiles to update your audiences with your upcoming event details.
  • Send newsletter to your attendees for any last minute changes or other information.
  • Use the Speaker and schedule addon from WP Event Manager to display the speakers details of your virtual events. 

Use these tricks to share every event information with your audiences.

5. Event ticketing mistake 5: Not utilizing a ticketing platform

not utilizing ticketing platform

In todays fast paced world, if you are not using a proper event ticketing platform then you are missing out a lot of opportunities to boost your ticket sales. 

So not having an event ticketing platform is a mistake that is stoping you from achieving your ticket selling targets.

When you manage your ticket sales manually, you invest a lot of time and labor on it which you could have utilized on other essential event activities.

Ways to solve:

  • Use an event ticketing platform like sell tickets to save your time and effort by automating the entire process.

How does the Sell Tickets addon help you?

Note: Before answering the question it is important for you to know that to use the Sell Tickets addon, you need to have the registration addon as well. It allows you to build a full-fledged event ticketing system on your website.

Find out a detailed guide on how to create an event ticketing system here.

Here are the ways in which the Sell Tickets addon helps you:

It allows you to:

  • Create multiple types of event tickets. 
  • Share tickets digitally through email in a PDF form. 
  • Offer payment security with WooCommerce. 
  • Generate detailed ticket selling insights. 
  • Generate unlimited tickets. 
  • Handle registration efficiently and more.

If you still do not have an event ticketing system, it is high time you consider creating one for the better health of your ticketing system.

Wrapping up

Every event organizer aims to increase ticket sales and sometimes even after a lot of struggle their event ticket sales does not show their desired result. It all because of the mistakes that they make go unnoticed. 

We hope that the article will help you identify your event ticketing mistakes and also help you solve them.

The post 5 Effective Ways to Avoid Event Ticketing Mistakes appeared first on WP Event Manager.

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